My “About Me” from 2015

I am updated my blog, but wanted to document my “about me” page. Here is what I wrote in 2015 about myself:

Hi, I’m Gelina! I’m 23 and a newly wedded wife to Brandon Leigh Reed.

We married on September 26, 2015 at our church, The Christian Assembly Church. We currently live in Louisville, Kentucky and are building our first home! I am originally from Houston, Texas where I grew up with numerous church friends. I am a twin sister and the youngest of three children in a “patchwork” family. I attended Lone Star Community College and graduated in 2014 with an AAS degree in Sign Language Interpreting and love the language.

I am an community manager.

I love my job, but I have many other hobbies. I am interested in freelance photography and writing. I am a self-published author of “Crowned at the Cross” which I published in 2010. I’ve written over 10 novels, numerous short shorts, screen plays, and inspirational quotes.

It’s a dream of mine to be an interior decorator, but I have fun on my own time!

I have an adorable, spoiled Pekinese named Baby.

Other than that I enjoy cooking, decorating, pinning, crafting, and spending time with my amazing husband.

My Introduction from 2015

I wanted to update my introduction, but not lose the history of what I initially wrote on my blog in 2015, so here it is.


Hello my friends! I’ve wanted to create a blog for some time, and now that the wedding is over, thank you cards nearly tackled, and the realization of how expensive and competitive publishing would be again…I am exploring the blogging life. This is a lifestyle blog, but will lean more toward what inspires me…my writing, my thoughts, my photography.

I’m 23 and a newly wedded wife. I am a Christian and base my beliefs according to the Word of God and the doctrine of my ministers. I’m a twin. A writer. A self-published author. A poet. A sign language interpreter. I enjoy cooking up new recipes, running, tips to save time doing anything and everything, planning, spending time and watching Netflix with my new husband, pinning, and making memories that will last a life time.

Here you can join in to those moments with me.

When I was a kid I wanted to be a lawyer. I read piles of law books at age 14. You think I’m kidding. I wrote 500 page novels and 100’s of poems. Deep thinking has always been something I’ve treasured. My overwhelming passion for writing and “painting pictures with words” led me in my teen years. I long to serve the Lord and be a light in any way I can. Here is where I share my reflections, thoughts, convictions. This is in no way to offend, but to shed light on the things inside my heart clock- the thing ticking and vibrating off the walls inside my head.

Last September, I packed up my little ES300 Lexus and moved to Louisville, Kentucky with everything I owned (hardly anything). I started a new job, joined a new church, began exploring a new city, got my first apartment (a less than 500 sqft), and gained a new family. I suffered losses of relationships, endured fragile ones, and found lost ones. These experiences, though few, have been memorable and will be reflected in the words you will read.

Welcome to my world.

Hello, it’s me, Gelina

I started this blog when I was 23. Now I am 30. So much life has happened since I wrote my last entry. What draws me back to writing is how pivotal this year has been for me and my family. Turning 30 was like a door opening- you see so much more than you did just a year earlier.

I read a few of my blog headlines, and most are about hairstyles, cruises, and flower arrangements. It isn’t that I do not care about those things (or that I will not write about this in the future). But I have so much more on my heart that I feel to share.

What brings me back to writing is the inner hope I have to find God’s purpose for my life. To use my voice for more than just social media posts. The inner critic is there also, telling me that I am not good enough to do it and that I am not sufficient enough to do it. This pushes me even more.

There is so much noise in the world today and in our church. When I was a teenager, bopping around with my circle of friends, admiring cute clothes and cute boys, everything seemed so much more simple.

Now I see political agendas and social hierarchies. I see churches developing cult-like tendencies, where the members all look, act, and live exactly the same way. Those that leave are often ostracized and criticized and never spoken to or heard from again. My own twin brother and stepsister have been two such casualties. The group’s traditions are becoming a prerequisite of an individual’s holiness. Since when did conformity to a group become a display of one’s faith? Some say this shows what is in your Spirit if you obey the order of the church. When you don’t cross every “t” and dot every “i”, it is a form of rebellion.

How can I see past these things. Most people would say, “God will take care of it, we just need to pray”.

I have also been told indirectly that mouth pieces in the Bible were not young women. Most women I know stay “silent and submissive”. When did the two become synonymous with one another?

I am writing due to two very negative comments I received on Facebook in the past two days.

I went to a wedding on New Year’s Eve in Chicago. Most of the churches I affiliate with (BOC) have watch night services, where they start church in the evening and close at midnight. My local church does not have a watch night service. I received a comment on one of my posts saying, “Wish you were going to be here for watch nite service. Miss you!” This person has not messaged me since May and I haven’t gone to this particular church in nearly 10 years. I don’t even live in the same state.

The second comment was someone tagging a sad face on a photo I posted of my husband and I and she messaged me, “Sad…because I know that’s not who you are. Love and miss you!!” I will leave out the name tagged. This person has not spoken to me in years.

What do these very passive comments have in common with one another? Neither person has contacted me in months or years. They have no connection or weight on the power of my day to day life or spiritual walk with the Lord. If they missed me, why would they not reach out to me before now, and without judgement?

When are we going to stop judging each other? Instead of trying to prove a point of our self-righteousness, what if we truly just showed each other unconditional love and support as Christ did? Is that not why we have been called?

I do not wish to turn negative due to these interactions, but to draw attention to something more meaningful. I want to love those around me and hope to encourage everyone else to do the same. I have struggled with anger and bitterness in my past and it has done me nothing but harm. The Lord is continuing to deal with me and take away the hurt I received from our church group.

I want to love and give and use my story as a testimony because I didn’t walk away when I easily could have. I was so close to completely giving up on all of this.

I struggle with what I see. I see ministers criticizing the “religious world” and putting the BOC on a pedestal as a higher group than the rest of the Christian world. Instead of pleading with God to show us His Way, we are boasting in our own accomplishments. More conversations are held around how great we are than how great HE is. We are not holy; HE is holy!

There is a tenor of words that hurts my heart. There is arrogance and pride in our leadership. I am not seeing people willing to listen to others. I am not seeing open hearts. I am seeing ivory towers and closed minds. I see ministers eating with silver spoons, while saints eat on plastic trays. There is inequality of rank, when Jesus came to remove all of that. He was a servant to His people. I just can’t support this.

But I also cannot leave.

God dealt with me earlier this year. I was so hurt, I wanted to leave it all behind. I was sitting in a church service, contemplating leaving and never coming back. All of these thoughts plagued me. I felt the strongest impression from God (not an audible voice) say to me, Do you love Me MORE than the hurt that you feel? I felt renewed love for the Lord and said, “Yes, I love you More, Lord.”

That simple prayer has kept me.

I am not here for people; I am here because I believe in what I have experienced. I don’t agree with everything happening, but the church had it’s imperfections in the early days of it’s inauguration. You don’t have to agree with everything a church teaches to have a relationship with God or even to attend a church. You may not be as respected as those who do everything as the church teaches, but you cannot just adhere to a list just to please people.

One day I was really struggling.

I just felt lost, unsure of what part I play in all of this. I felt defeated. How can I influence real change? How can I make any of this better? I felt the Lord impress on me again by saying, You can’t influence change by leaving.

Well, that was my confirmation. I am in this to the end. But, I don’t believe in blind submission. I believe that the ministry should be questioned and challenged. They should welcome the challenge and want people to seek these truths for themselves. Saints should be encouraged to ask questions without being accused of being indifferent.

I long to see these things come to pass with our church and see conversations that go beyond a giant think-tank, were the main topic is on sleeve length and beards. There are ministers in jail, under accusations of molesting children and families falling apart behind closed doors. Surely there are more important things to talk about than this. When will people realize that we are being blindsided by distractions that are keeping us back from moving forward?

I know my thoughts are all over the place, but this is just what is on my heart. I will share more soon and will talk about more of my experiences and thoughts, but one thing is for certain- Jesus was always for those that were unloved. He didn’t routinely sit among the religious leaders and talk about doctrine. He was among the common people, living it. He spent His time with those that no one else cared for. I pray to have a heart like His. To give without expectation. To love without requirements. To reach out instead of keeping everything in.

I don’t share these things to hurt anyone, but to be open and honest about how I feel. I realize this may be contrary to what others feel and I am open to hearing more truth.

I feel grateful to be on this journey with you and have you in my thoughts and prayers.


My First Cruise: DOs and DONTs

Last week, I got to go on my first cruise with my amazing husband! We boarded the Carnival Magic cruise ship in Florida and sailed to Costa Maya, Roatan, Belize, and Cozumel. It was an awesome experience and one I highly recommend to anyone looking for a relaxing, yet fulfilling vacation. We got to visit 4 countries in 1 week and seeing the sites, people watching, and enjoying the ocean were definitely the highlights of this trip.

I could go on and on about the trip, but I want to give you a few tips from my first experience.


1. Bring cash. When you go to different countries, most of the souvenir shops that are authentic do not accept cards. You can use the cash to catch a taxi, get something to eat, or get souvenirs. A must.

2. Bring Ginger Root. I have a very weak stomach so taking a few capsules of Ginger Root really helped me. It’s rare to get “sea sick” on the boat, but for the first day, it’s easy to feel nauseated. 

3. Bring a steamer. There is 1- yes- 1 ironing room per floor and they do not allow you to bring an iron with you. This was an inconvenience for sure. Bring a steamer or bring clothes that do not wrinkle. Going back and forth to the ironing room can be a pain and you don’t want to do extra work while you’re on vacation! 

4. Bring an extra blanket & fan. You don’t have access to change a thermostat for your room. I’ve heard sometimes rooms are hot, but ours was pretty cold. Their bedding wasn’t the best. Bringing an extra blanket would have been a smart idea! 

5. Bring drinks & snacks. It’s worth it, trust me. You are allowed to bring a case of sodas and 2 bottles of wine-or sparkling cider in our case. I didn’t realize this before we left. Check the rules of your cruise, but I should have done this! Drinks are expensive. Also, bring candy if you can because you will crave it. You will crave snacks… everything is so expensive that it’s just better to bring your own. Go a week without your favorite snack and it’s not too fun. Yes, there is TONS of food on the boat, but if you like to snack, sometimes the fancy food won’t do it for you. 

6. Clothing Choices. There are 2 formal nights and the rest is casual. However, for dinners they don’t allow jeans or flip flops so make sure to bring something nicer for dinner each night. During the day, people are very casual. However, when you dock at the port, bring a beach bag or large bag with you to carry a comfortable pair of shoes, hats, water, and a camera. It’s also good to bring so you can carry back souvoniers. The walk from the boat to the port can sometimes be a very long walk. In Cozumel we probably walked about 3-4 miles.

7. Excursions: to plan or not to plan. It’s best to wait to plan excursions while you’re on the boat or at port. We didn’t do any excursions during this trip and we had a great time. You can get a taxi or rent a car for a pretty fair price to site see. Some people pay to do things you can really do for free. We went downtown Cozumel and the beach at Costa Maya for free. Don’t let them charge you for guided tours when you can just go on your own. Sometimes you can even win excursions while you’re on the boat so planning all the excursions ahead of time may be a waste. Some excursions are better to plan ahead for the sake of time, but they aren’t really nessesary. 

8. Decorate Your Door. I didn’t do this but next time, I am totally decorating our door. It makes it easier to find because all the hallways and doors look the same. 


1. People make you go crazy. Don’t go on this trip if you don’t like large groups of people-because you’re stuck on a boat with A LOT of people. However, if you’re a people watcher- its extremely entertaining. We met people from all over and of all ages. 

2. DONT walk through the cafeteria at night. This is more of a personal one because it didn’t bother Brandon. To me, the food areas smell bad at night. The cleaning supplies or maybe the mixture of all the different types of food can give you a bad headache. 

3. DONT forget to bring your passports or IDs. You won’t be able to get on the boat without them. 

4. No work or play. There is no WIFI unless you pay for it. Don’t plan to contact anyone back home so make sure to tie up loose ends before you go. The WIFI is $5 per day which can get pricey.

5. DONT forget pics. They give you a coupon for pictures when you get on the boat. You must use it the 1st or 2nd day. They will not allow you to use it after 48 hours. They take pictures of you while you’re on the boat, but keep in mind, they are very expensive. They range in price from $15-20 per picture!! 

6. DONT buy souvoniers. Wait to buy souvoniers from the actual countries you visit. They will sell them on the boat but they are much cheaper in the actual places you visit. I purchased a “Cozumel” shirt for $5 downtown Cozumel. The same shirt on the boat would have cost $15-20 or more.

That is all for now! I hope these tips helped you. I definitely wish I had known about this before we went! If you are planning a cruise trip and have any other questions, contact me 🙂 

Simple Romantic Up-Do

This is my go-to hairstyle and I love it! It’s simple. I’ll save you time and I won’t write a book before I get to the details!  

Follow these steps- 

1. Wash and Dry completely (use Aveeno Products) 😉

2. Curl. I use a straightener. You curl it simply to give it body so there’s no need to worry about each peice being perfect.

3. Flip over and spray everywhere to give it that body it will need for this hairstyle! 

4. Fix the front first. I learned this from a friend and I never forgot it! It makes putting up the back of your hair that much easier. I use Bobby pins.

5. Act like you’re putting your hair in a ponty tail but twist it to form a bun. Put a rubber ban over the bun. It won’t look cute at first…

6. Pull the air out to make the bun not so tight and use pins to secure it and give it that romantic, flowy look. Allow lose curls to fall to make it that much more elegant!  

Emily’s Birthday Tea Party

It was so much fun planning this birthday tea party for my friend Emily! She is an artsy teacher who loves stories such as Alice in Wonderland, so I incorporated this theme in with a whimsical, enchanted fairy tale setting! It was so much fun to decorate using bold pinks and greens. I had to do some research in tea parties and it was fun to learn about etiquette and different place setting styles. Everyone brought a dish to make it fun and flavorful. Enjoy the photos of this special day!


Table Setting & Decorating

One of my favorite things is table decorating! If I could host a dinner every day of the week, I would. Having a beautiful table setting can make a normal evening even better! I wanted to make a list of my must haves for a beautiful evening for those of you wanting to go all out. You don’t have to spend a lot to make your table more festive and inviting- you just have to get creative! Here are just a few things that I look for when setting a table! 

1. Fresh Flowers. This makes the table feel fresh (per the name) ;). It gives a feeling that pulls you in- like being in a tranquil garden. There is relaxation and beauty that goes along with having flowers adorn the table in a festive vase or even a lemonade pitcher! 

2. The usuals- chargers, plates, stemware, silverware. Even if you’re having a simple meal, this adds elegance to anything! You’ll be amazed at the difference stemware can make on a table. We’ve even had burgers on charger plates… It’s all about what you do with what you have. 

3. Ambiance. Candle light, or even just a votive with an unlit candle creates a romantic atmosphere. You don’t have to go spend a lot- do some resale shopping and there’s a million candles lying around that you can put to good use! 

4. Make it colorful! Get colorful serving dishes or even colorful straws and napkins to dress up the table. This is an inexpensive, fun way to make the evening more fun. Shop online to get bulk items you can use over and over again. 

5. Get fruity! Another fresh adornment is fresh fruit or veggies. This is a great addition to any table and any meal. It’s nice to have a healthy option available if the meal isn’t enough for a hungry guest.

6. Tea, Punch, or Lemonade. Having a fresh fun drink adds spice and flare to the table setting. We always make fresh tea and my personal favorite is hand squeezed lemonade. It takes a little extra time but it’s evident in the enjoyment that follows!  

7. Etiquette. I am obsessed with table manners and table settings go along with that. I’m not over the top with being concerned with proper place settings, but I do find it interesting! Always watch your table decor with the theme you’re going for- get Asian fans for an Asian themed meal or even try out a Mexican bowl for salsa.

8. Music. Don’t forget to set the mood. Don’t play it too loud but having something in the background, especially for a date night can make or break it.

9. Choice of Plates. I’ve seen people use bags of chips and put them on a table. This causes an inconvenience for all guest to share chips at the same time. This goes for anything in a bag. It may be one more dish to wash but it will help the event be more enjoyable for all! Make sure the serving dishes and plates match or coordinate! 

I always say, “If you’re going to do it- do it (up) right!” 

Have fun hosting! 

A Christian Woman’s Career Path

I’ve talked with many friends and acquaintances about jobs, potential jobs, and dream jobs. We are growing up in a very different world than our mothers. My mother was a single mom and has worked just about her entire life.  She taught me so much about work ethic and how to “get ahead” in a very competitive world.

“Nowadays” as people say, it’s very hard to maintain a livable wage with our husbands doing all of the work…and who wants to just sit home and clean all day? You may desire this, but I was homeschooled and home all the time, and being home all the time can get old, fast. That may change once we decide to have children, however, at this time I prefer to work! Some girls feel that they cannot have a career and raise children too. My mom did it with me! I know so many mothers who have done the same. So can we. In this day and age, it is possible for all the income to come from one source. A lot of couples do it and I respect them, and do not wish to offend. However, this article shares my heart with girls who wish to have a career, have children, and keep a home.

But, let me start with sharing my personal story.

My Career Story

On my 17th birthday, my mother hired me as a leasing associate at her apartment community. This started a journey for me. I worked part time and went to LSC and got my AAS in Interpreter Training Technology. I went to college for my passion, sign language interpreting. I do think it was worth going, but if I could do it all over again, I would have selected a more general degree. If I go back to school, I’d like to pursue a Bachelors in Business. If you’ve done some job searching, you will find this degree is applicable with SO many different fields. So during that time, I transferred to different properties and management companies. I have worked for 5 different management companies all over Houston and here in Louisville.

When I moved here to Louisville, things really started to happen. I started out as a leasing associate when I got the job over the phone after two weeks of job hunting. I was here in Louisville for 3 months and was promoted to an assistant manager. Then, 3 months later I became a property manager.

Now, I manage a multi-million dollar asset in the Louisville area, I have four employees and oversee almost 180 different residents, renovation teams, contractors, and numerous vendors.  By the grace of God, I rarely miss church because of work. I did not go to school for this, I started from the bottom up. God was with me! I’ve had so many young girls in the church ask me how to do it and how to get in and get ahead. I’d like to share a little bit of how I did it and how I’ve gotten where I am. And what I am doing to grow from here!

Sky is not the limit!

The Single Girl’s Dream

If your single, unmarried, and expecting for a husband to come along from thin air with A LOT of money to support you, please consider changing your frame of mind. Fairy tales like this are rare, and in our world, pretty much non-existent. If you can be a stay at home mom, which is some girls’ dream, great! But in my case, I prefer to have financial stability, which includes me working a full time job at this point in our financial lives.

If you feel as I do, this article is for you. If you’re striving to be a Christian, modest woman in this modern, competitive society, I’d like to address 3 steps you can use to seek Gods will, get noticed, and advance in the career of your choice.

Step One.

Pray, counsel, pray some more.

I can’t stress this enough. Prayer and guidance from God is what we want. You can make all the money in the world and be completely miserable. Money isn’t the biggest factor in this decision-our soul should be our priority! If you choose a job that is morally compromising, it will be hard to hold to those morals for long. Talk to people. Ask questions before making the decision of where you want to work and who you want to work for. Talk with your parents, the ministry, or find a mentor who is in the field that you’re interested in. ALWAYS put the Lord first in your decision and He will come through! If you promise the Lord something, keep that promise. Stick to your faith. I’ve gone on business trips, I’ve had tests come up, and I’ve stood true to my faith. When I did get a job, I made sure that people knew up front there are certain things I do not do because of my beliefs. If you set up those boundaries, it causes others to respect you for them. And when the testing time comes, most co workers are required by law to respect your faith. God recognizes when we put Him first in all of our decisions.

Step Two.

Education, Resumes, Interviews.

I highly recommend going to school. Even if you do not know what to go for. I have an associates degree and with that added with my experience, it causes my resume to stand out. I know so many young girls who have a difficult time because they have do not have any credentials on their resumes.  Yes, it is just a piece of paper, but that piece of paper is one more thing that puts you ahead. Its expensive, yes. But if you go part time and work part time, you can do it. When I was going through school I had NO money whatsoever. I sometimes had less than $300 in my bank account. Ramen noodles? I’ve been there. But I made it work. Don’t buy the MK purse…I am begging you. No matter what your heart tells you- stay away from the light…

Anyway, back on subject. This is definitely something to pray about. The second thing to consider in this step is your resume. Have people critique it. I’ve helped friends with resumes before. Go online and look at template resumes. Use those tools that we have that are FREE. Put correct spelling and punctuation on there. I’ve looked at so many resumes when hiring someone and if they can’t spell correctly, the resume goes directly in the trash can under my desk. This is a huge deal. If the resume isn’t formatted correctly and in bold font or something crazy, I also disregard it. If you have a job that doesn’t look too great on a resume, wording it correctly to make it stand out can make a big difference. You can make just about anything sound good if you word it correctly. The bottom line on the resume is, you cannot spend too much time perfecting it. Keep a resume ready at all times, no matter what. You never know when opportunity calls.

Then it calls. Now what? Someone wants to set up an interview. Great! Now get to researching. Get the job description you’re applying for, do research on the company, look up employee reviews of the company to see if its even worth it for you to interview. Find out if there’s room for growth and promotion. Find out these details BEFORE you go into the interview. When you walk into an interview, you should be the expert on the subject. You may know very little about what you’d actually be doing, but get all the research together you can. Memories the interview’s name before you go. Get a new, fresh, professional outfit. If you don’t know what to wear- Google it. Google what people wear in the position you’re interviewing for. The information is out there, we just have to get it. Remember: It is always better to over dress than to under dress.

I have interviewed multiple people. Please show up on time. Google the location and save it in your phone the night before. Have 3 alarms set. Charge your phone. If you’re running late, call. Bring a notebook and pen. Bring your contact in formation and copies of your resume. Bring a firm but not too firm handshake. These tips will help you be as prepared as possible. If you are lacking one of these many items, it shows. Make a check list of the items above and mark them off so you won’t forget. I promise you, it works.

During the interview, do not chew gum. Smile. Have positive, smart, well thought-out, competent answers. Before one of my interviews I had, I Googled interview questions and wrote down potential answers for those questions. I memorized them. I can definitely tell when I am interviewing someone if they are actually thinking about their answers or just telling me what they think I want to hear. Usually when people haven’t thought about what to say before hand, all of their answers are relatively the same or so generic they aren’t real, genuine answers. If you’re personable and realistic and do your research, this is what every interviewer is looking for. How do I know this? I have gotten every job I’ve ever interviewed for. I don’t say this to brag, I just say this to show that I do my research. If you follow these steps, people will be calling you, asking if you want to work for them. It’s really very simple.

Step Three.

Job Landed. Where do I go from here?


For some people, being at a job with little responsibility and minimum requirements is “the life”. Making the minimum to pay bills is enough. Not for me. If you feel the same, this section of the article is for you. For those of you who are very laid back and detest the word, please cover your eyes when you read the next line or even just skip this whole section. Because, one of the biggest qualities that I’ve had that has been a blessing (and curse at times) is being a perfectionist. There, I said it.  Its a hard quality, but in some cases, its a requirement. In whatever field you choose, you have to master it. Become a connoisseur of your trade. Do as much research as possible about whatever you do, document everything, over prepare. Ask questions. I can’t stress it enough. If you want to get ahead, ask how to get ahead. When I was interested in management, I begged my boss to teach me everything about the job. If your goal is to be a supervisor, call your supervisor, and schedule a meeting! It sounds crazy, but sometimes crazy works. In my case, it worked (insert laugh-crying faces here).

Network. Get out and meet people. Make acquaintances. Build bridges. The people who are working beside you may one day be your supervisor! You never want to do anything to cause that to come back to hurt you in the future.

Find people who believe in you. I have had some great mentors in my career so far and they really invested a lot in me. God brought people my way who really cared about my advancement. It is not like that everywhere, which brings us back to the beginning when I spoke about prayer. Prayer affects everything. Pray for God to send you a mentor or pray that you’ll have a supervisor who wants you to succeed. If you’re not in an environment for positive growth, you may want to make a change. This will affect everything.

Get a motto and stick to it. I am a firm believer in being your own cheerleader. Don’t expect praise for what you do. Do a good job for what you want in the future, not to seek praise. My motto a few years ago was, “I Love Money.” As shallow as it sounds, and even though I’m being slightly facetious, its so true at the same time. I don’t know about you, but if I didn’t make money, I would be doing something else. When my boss asks me to do something I have always said, “Well, I Love Money!” This was my funny way of saying yes. It sticks. When opportunities come along they will remember that I am willing to work hard. My team that I manage are all under the age of 30 so I call us “The Prodigy Team”. It keeps things fun and makes us memorable to other people. Find yours and use it.

Kiss up. No one wants to be or be called a kiss up. But if the job is competitive, you have to do what it takes to get noticed. I don’t mean allow yourself to be taken advantage of, or compromise your faith or morals. I mean, you do what it takes to get noticed and get promoted. I am saying to go above and beyond. Offer to do things. This means a lot to your supervisor and will not be forgotten. If you become “the yes man” or “woman” in my case, they will come to you first. When a position comes open, where do you think they will go first? That’s correct… to you.

Lastly, I want to stress to build relationships and rapport with the people you work with. This is huge and highly misunderstood. This doesn’t mean to go out and have a good time with your coworkers. This means to find out what makes them tick as a person and understand who they are. Find how what their birthday is and remember to do something a little special for them. If you invest in others, they will invest in you. Its just how the system works. We can get so busy with our own lives, that we just focus on ourselves. If you see a coworker having a bad day, lend a hand and a smile. It speaks volumes about who you are inside.

In Closing…

I hope this article that is loaded with information is helpful to you. If you have questions, you can always reach out to me. I’m a text away: 502-407-0929. I am obviously 23 and no expert, but I do want to share my experience with newcomers to the career field if I can in any way. So just to recap- Pray. Counsel. Focus on education, your resume, and landing a good interview and a potential job. And lastly, focus on ways to grow after you get a job. Use these tools and they will help you greatly, as they have helped me. But most importantly, it is God who leads our lives.

Put Him first and He will put you first.

Love and blessings to you!







Easy, Delicious Meals for the Working Wife

For a working wife, these recipes have been life savers to me. Its always fun using Pinterest but frustrating when a recipe leads you the wrong way. The simple and delicious recipes below are tried and true. They are delicious and do not take much thought after you make them a few times. They have become staples in our house, and you will find your husband will ask for these over again!

Our favorite: Chicken Fried Rice with Quinoa. Its easy and so much better than going to a restaurant. You can mix it up, add veggies and prepare it just the way you’d like. We usually eat this a few times per month because its a favorite!

Healthy Option: If you love fish, the recipe below with Tilapia and Rice is delicious and great for a quick meal before church during the week. You can also use different types of fish and the rice is a very good, healthy addition.

Want to Impress? The Italian meals below are a great hit for a first meal to impress your husband or a good option for family dinners, especially stuffed shells. There are different variations of stuffed shells, but the one below is my favorite. It fills everyone up and gives you a quality meal just like eating at a an Italian restaurant.

Mexican option? The Chicken Fajitas are my personal favorite because you can make home made salsa or other fun, festive sides. If you marinate the meat over night, the recipe works perfectly. It leaves you with moist, delicious chicken.

Hearty & Inexpensive: Having BBQ chicken stuffed potatoes is really comfort food of which you’ll need to just ignore the calories, but its an inexpensive option because potatoes are very inexpensive and the ingredients are few. The potatoes take some time to bake, so you will need to prep for this recipe.

Sides: Brussel spounts with bacon and just delicious…and a perfect side for almost any dish. It has the green we all need with the bacon that we all love!

Happy Cooking!




Fun Cake From Scratch (almost)

This cake is fun, easy, and is exactly the moist, rich taste you’re looking for. I got this great idea from my best friend, Leah! Follow her blog- click here. The secret of making a plain box cake to taste like its from a bakery! Its simple-

Get one a vanilla box cake (or chocolate)

Add milk in place of water

Add 1-2 additional eggs

Use butter instead of oil and double the amount! Its that easy…


A hand mixer makes baking so much easier!


Just add Wilton Food Coloring! And watch the transformation happen…

IMG_0751IMG_0755IMG_0757IMG_0762I place my cakes in the refrigerator after one coat of icing to make the final touches a little easier. And…the final product!
